How to Read More Books Now

3 min readJun 24, 2021

My first love growing up was reading anything and everything including the once-delicious descriptions on the backs of shampoo bottles. All of that in a bottle? Sign me uppp! When I wasn’t bathing in soapy, celestial waters, I was tearing through serialized novels and could easily out-read the Warren Buffets and Bill Gates of the world. 52 books a year was easy! That is if the 52 books were Nancy Drew and Babysitter’s Club.

I upped my game in middle school by reading (and eventually stealing) books I liked from the library. Some kids stole candy, I was a literary fugitive. While I buy my books now and responsibly borrow them like a proper human being, I think it’s more important than ever to keep up a reading habit.

If you’re looking to do the same, here are some tips on how to fit reading into your schedule:

Have a goal in mind

How many books do you want to read a year? Bill Gates claims to read 52 books a year and so does Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet. In fact, 52 seems to be the magic number in the business world (that’s 1 book a week!). For us mere mortals, it’s easier and much better to stick with a reading habit if we start with a small achievable number and build from there. Remember, reading should be fun and enjoyable!

Make room for more reading in your life




Life coach passionate about personal development, and teaching women how to live authentically.