Turmeric Latte Recipe (plus benefits!)

3 min readSep 1, 2022

Ever since my fling with a difficult pregnancy I’ve been looking for ways to boost my health. After the pregnancy, my chronic urticaria returned, also known as unexplained hives. I’ve been to doctors, allergists, and rheumatologists and no one was able to explain why I get these itchy welts. Since no doctor has been able to help me, I took it upon myself to find the answers. After weeks of obsessive research, I determined that I had chronic inflammation. My face was always red. I always had hives that manifested themselves from one moment to the next. One of the ways to combat this is by eating healthy, but also to incorporate more turmeric into my diet. Enter, the Tumeric Latte.

What is Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice used in Indian and Chinese medicine that can improve health. It helps improve digestion, mood, as well as joint health. reduces inflammation, and has an array of other cognitive benefits. It’s also what gives curry its signature golden color. Turmeric contains the antioxidant curcumin, where most of its health benefits come from. Scientists today believe that inflammation is what causes most diseases. Turmeric latte is a delicious way to get your dose of inflammatory-fighting antioxidants.

It’s sold as tonics and in juices and smoothies but today I’ll show you an easy way to make a turmeric latte at home:




Life coach passionate about personal development, and teaching women how to live authentically. https://linktr.ee/janiceventura